Altcoin Futures Could be The Next Big Thing


Big developments may be coming to the cryptocurrency industry. The launch of Bitcoin futures has been interesting, albeit somewhat lackluster. It now seems we may see some more cryptocurrency-related futures products coming to market soon. Wedbush Futures is actively contemplating introducing altcoin-based futures contracts to their clients.

More Cryptocurrency Futures Products

It is evident there is a lot more to cryptocurrency than just Bitcoin. Altcoins are equally speculative in nature. Given the launch of Bitcoin futures products a few months ago, there are new opportunities to explore as of right now. Similar products and services for altcoins are of great interest to Wedbush Futures, by the look of things. Although nothing has been set in stone, the company is looking into this matter.

More specifically, it seems clients are showing a keen interest in what the future may hold. With a growing interest in Litecoin, Ripple, and other cryptocurrencies, a lot of opportunities are there to be explored. While it remains unclear if Wedbush Futures will venture into these markets, the concept is pretty intriguing. It also seems Wedbush Futures is not the only company looking into these alternative market opportunities.

CME Group is also looking into alternative options as of right now. While they have not confirmed anything just yet, the option is certainly intriguing. With all major cryptocurrencies being volatile and in high demand, investors will seek exposure to these markets sooner or later. The first company to provide futures contracts related to altcoins may gain a significant market advantage. That is, assuming any of these markets will indeed be in high demand moving forward.

The Vision of Wedbush Futures and Others

So far, it seems the Bitcoin futures market has not been of great interest. That situation can always change moving forward, though. The overall volume has been rising steadily, yet the market is still relatively new, all things considered. Moreover, the self-regulatory aspect of these markets is still a topic of serious debate as of right now.

It does appear there is an overall positive sentiment in this market, though. Service providers agree the markets look healthy for this early stage in the game. Whether or not things will evolve in the right direction, remains to be determined. Anything is possible in the world of cryptocurrency futures. Wedbush Futures seem to think the best has yet to come for this nascent industry. Only time will tell if they are correct in that assessment.

All of this shows the cryptocurrency industry is still in a good place. Although the year 2018 has been off to a rocky start, the bigger picture still looks pretty positive right now. No one will deny there is a growing interest in this new form of money and the associated investment vehicles. For now, we have to wait and see how things evolve as far as Wedbush Futures is concerned. Their position on the market is seemingly “chunky’, although that is still rather vague.

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