WallStreetBets bets big on TCG gaming’s biggest metaverse — TCG World


Since the start of the year, the WallStreetBets movement has been defying traditional finance with a legion of retail investors using decentralized tradable assets on the blockchain to advance the ethos of financial democracy. Now, the giant online retail investor group that shook the stock markets with the GameStop frenzy is betting big on the Metaverse through a partnership with one of the world’s largest metaverse and nonfungible token (NFT) platforms called TCG World.

What is TCG World?

TCG World is the largest open world metaverses on Binance Smart Chain. It follows a play-to-earn approach and has its own story that progresses as a user spends more time in the game. In TCG World, users can invest in virtual real estate, hunt for NFT collectibles, earn TCGCoin 2.0, or start their virtual career while exploring the metaverse.

TCG World incorporates thousands of different collectible NFTs that can be sold or traded on the TCG World marketplace. Everything that a player buys/owns in the game is an NFT from virtual real estate, vehicles, pets to player avatars and trophies. The pièce de résistance is the 800 square kilometer virtual world that is divided into 100,000 virtual plots up for grabs. Anyone can purchase one of these virtual plots and build on it in preparation for a mainstream uptake of the metaverse.

The gaming side of the ecosystem entails an online collectible game where users get to collect and populate their virtual worlds with mythical NFT creatures scattered across the metaverse. Certain NFTs found in the metaverse can be valuable due to their rarity in production and in-game utility. These creatures, called Sprites, range from flying horses to baby dragons and eggshell monsters that can be sold, traded, bred, or evolved for PVP battles in the TCG World arenas.

The WallStreetBets (WSB) partnership

WallStreetBet’s founder Jaime Rogozinski has been working with TCGGaming behind the scenes for the past four months to help TCG create a unique metaverse experience for their community. Rogozisnki brings to the table a wealth of experience in building and developing online communities, given that he founded WallStreetBets in 2012 and has seen the online retail investor group grow to a membership of over 700,000 investors.

Rogozinski is also a serial entrepreneur with expertise in launching tech and finance-related companies. WallStreetBets has already purchased a parcel of land in the TCG World metaverse and hopes to inspire investors in the WSB community to get on board the metaverse train.

David Evans, CEO of TCGGaming said:

“We are very excited to welcome both WallStreetBet communities into our metaverse. Our vision is to create a virtual world where users are empowered to learn, earn, create and socialise. The addition of WallStreetBets and their community will play a role in shaping the future of how we socially connect in our TCG World metaverse.”

WallStreetBets’ Facebook group is also partnering with TCG World to further develop the metaverse. Together, the two WSB groups bring onboard a collective number of over one million retail traders to the virtual world.
Conclusion: Establishing the future of the metaverse

The Metaverse is making the impossible possible with the aid of blockchain technology and NFTs.

With partnerships such as the one formed between the two WallStreetBets groups and TCG, it is clear that we are witnessing an exodus of retail investors out of traditional finance and into the metaverse.

As Rogozinski puts it, “a truly decentralized Web 3.0 metaverse-based internet will solve the centralized monopoly and manipulation issue that plagues the current state of the internet.”

At its core, the Metaverse is set to be the next evolutionary step of the internet that will bring to life a virtual world where people from all parts of the world connect, interact, play and work online.

Already, the TCG Gaming team aims to introduce other aspects to its metaverse apart from gaming, where users will be able to work and make a living in TCG World. There is already an uptake of virtual real estate with the presale platinum and diamond land parcels selling out. TCG Gaming now plans to release the presale gold plots of land in its metaverse on November 4, 2021.

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