Robonomics developers DAO announced the updated XRT distribution plan!
Uncertainty is gone — It is the XRT holders who will decide what amount of the total...™ is reinventing travel solutions for today's tech savvy traveler, leveraging AI & Blockchain based innovation that will disrupt status quo and improve the...
TrillerNet, owner of the global AI-powered short-video app Triller, today announced the launch of Triller NFT Marketplace, a new global exchange for the sale...
Core Scientific, a leading infrastructure and software solutions provider for artificial intelligence and blockchain, announced it will provide innovative blockchain and AI solutions to...
Eurapco, a strategic alliance of eight primarily mutual European insurers, and B3i Services AG, a global industry-led blockchain initiative, have announced the launch of...
Boston-based fintech start-up, PAYMYNT Financial, acquires LettucePay, an award-winning, payment technology firm specializing in cryptocurrency payments. Effective immediately, the acquisition makes it possible for...
Tezos blockchain successfully upgraded by adopting Delphi. Developed by Nomadic Labs, Metastate and Marigold, Delphi is the fourth Tezos upgrade in the span of...