Washington D.C. Forum Plans the Future of Blockchain Technology


Young innovators in the blockchain technology world gathered in D.C. to discuss the future of decentralized ledger information systems in business and society.

What is the Future of Blockchain?

The second Digital Asset Investment Forum (DAIF) was held in Washington D.C. Hosted by FinTech4Good it served as the launching event of DC Blockchain Incubator and Energy Blockchain Leadership Committee.

The premier event attracted executives from across the industry to discuss how blockchain technology will change industry in the future much as the development of the internet has in the recent past.

Specific questions posited were about the value of Blockchain to existing applications, the most promising startup models, how to build a strong ecosystem for the healthy development of digital asset investment.

Samson Williams, Partner, Axes and Eggs spoke on the need for D.C. area entrepreneurs to be accessible to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) or Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in order to be pro-active in developing regulations that work for the industry.

Wallace Lynch the founder of Alpha Token discussed how to make ICO’s work in business by creating products with real value based on specific consumer need that can prove its superiority over traditional solutions.

Maomao Hu co-founder of Kora, known as a rising star in the area of financial infrastructure systems spoke on using blockchain powered systems in Africa in order to empower people underrepresented in the banking industry.

Zhijun Zhang of the world bank group talked about the use of blockchain technology in third world countries in order to help those with no identities get recognized by their governments.

“I see a lot of potential in blockchain applications. For example, in the digital identity space, there are at least 1 billion people in developing countries who don’t have official identities.”

Zhijun Zhang, Lead Security Architect at the World Bank Group.

From the investor’s point of view, the talk was about the great potential that exists in blockchain based technologies. Again these applications were likened to the first internet-based companies for their potential growth and profits. Some of the speakers struck a cautionary note citing the volatility of the asset market now and it’s potential for bubbles.

About FinTech4Good

FinTech4Good, the host of the event self-describes ‘as the world’s leading blockchain and fintech platform. It identifies and scales up the most promising fintech and blockchain technology solutions worldwide and brings them to frontier markets through incubation, acceleration, and investment.’

“We were positively surprised by the enthusiasm and support expressed by many of the investors, advisors, technology innovators, large corporations and government agencies to our DC Blockchain Incubator ”, said by Xiaochen Zhang, the President of FinTech4Good and the Chairman of the Global Digital Economy Council.

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